Sunday 20 February 2011

Music Mag Draft : FrontPage

This is a draft of my music magazine that i will create later on. the color scheme of the page will be red, black, white & yellow. The masthead will be kept in it ideal place, which is the left third of the front page. The selling line will be at the top of the magazine on top of a highlighted background to make it stand out. The cover lines will be aligned at both sides of the page, but the main cover line will be positioned across the chest of the artist in the main image. The main cover line will in red and black colors, outlined with a white stroke around it. The dateline will be placed on top of the main cover line but will be left in white font but will have an outer, dissolving glow of maybe white or red. Underneath the main cover line At the bottom right hand corner will be the position of the bar code and above that will be the price of the magazine. At the bottom of the magazine is the name of the website for the magazine, this will be in yellow or white colors so that it can still be spotted by readers.

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