Saturday 8 January 2011

Profiling My Audience

This is a website called "", also has a real magazine issued per month. This website has the type of genre if want to put into my music magazine, which is hip-hop. The advertisement on this website clearly shows that it is based on hip-hop because the person in the advertisement at the top of the website is in fact a hip-hop artist himself.  For that reason, it is obvious to realize the target audience of both the magazine and the website are people that listen to hip-hop music. For my own magazine, I may need to add advertisements that are related to the genre of music, in which other hip-hop artists have taken part in. The advertisements should be broad, whether it is about film, music or general news, the main thing is that it must be something that the hip-hop artist is heavily involved with. 

The magazine also advertises the latest news that goes on in the hip-hop music industry. It mentions things about the hip-hop artists, like what they have done, what they are doing and also, what they are planning to do. I may have to find out exclusive content or just regular news about the music artists, in order to get the correct type of target audience I intend on getting. By using the internet, finding news about the hip-hop artists can be done efficiently.

By the look of the images shown, it looks like a magazine that is more for men. The target audience I want to gain is an audience that is interested in hip-hop, no matter what their gender is. In order for this to be achieved, it needs gender balancing meaning that on my magazine I shall put some images and news about women along with men, in order to get the magazine to appeal to more people of both sexes, rather than the magazine being appealing to just the male side. This should help the magazine to appeal to both sexes and hopefully a broader range of people that are interested in the music genre.

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