Sunday 12 December 2010

Questionnaire Results

Out of the twenty students, 9 of them chose images and the other 13 students chose an even mixture of both. No students had voted for the magazine to be displayed with mostly text. 

The type of news that the magazine should cover will be college news since 11 out of the 20 students chose the college news option. The other 9 students had chosen to make the magazine cover college and local news.

This chart shows that 14 students want their college magazine to be free, rather than paying for it. On the other hand, 6 other students want the magazine to be purchased, due to results; the college magazine will be free.

For the 6 students that wanted the magazine to be purchased, they were asked to choose a price. 2 students chose 25p, 3 chose 50p and only one student chose 75p. No student would pay a £1 for the magazine.

The chart shows the amount of students who enjoy reading, 13 of them do enjoy reading, and the other 7 students do not. This could also show the rough percentage of students that will bother to read the college magazine when published.

 This chart shows the amount of students who would want a page for a quiz/crossword, 13 voted yes for a page for crosswords & quizzes, and the remaining 7 voted no.

In this graph 14 students wanted the magazine to be published every term; this was the most selected choice. Therefore, the magazine will be published every month. Following the highest vote, was the monthly choice with 8 students voting. Lastly, only 3 students voted for the magazine to be published.

The 20 students had voted on what should be in the college magazine, education, entertainment, culture or other. One student voted for a educational magazine, 8 voted for a entertainment magazine, 5 voted for a cultural magazine and 5 students voted other. Other ideas were about relationship issues and life topics.

 In this graph, there is a three way tie between the choices of a white & purple magazine, a green & white magazine and a red& white magazine. These votes had 4 students each, while the other 8 students voted; 2 for blue & black and 3 votes each for blue & yellow and blue & white.

 There was an obvious difference in the amount of students that wanted to contribute to the college magazine. The majority of students had voted yes, to have a contribution page for the magazine; this can allow them to get their voices heard in whatever they may want to say by advertising thing onto the contribution page. This also shows the amount of people that may have greater ideas for the whole magazine.

The age of the students varied with; 11 students that were 16 years old, 8 students that were 17 years old and just 1 student that was 18. The reason I chose to distribute the questionnaires to the younger students, rather than the older students is because the younger students will be in the college longer than the older students who are soon to be leaving the college, therefore the college magazine should be based on what the younger generation of student want. 

This graph shows the equality between the two sexes that have made a decision on the college magazine’s development. 10 males and 10 females were given this questionnaire, just to show that both male and female students equally had a fair chance to contribute to the making of the magazine.

Monday 18 October 2010

Textual Analysis 2: Magazine Front Cover

This denotation of this magazine consists of a photograph of a student at Ridgewater College sitting on a red chair with another empty seat beside her; the empty chair besides her may be used as a subliminal way of trying to welcome you to the college. Below the student, there is a globe which could connote that Ridgewater is a college of mixtures of different people from different parts of the world.
The student from Ridgewater shows Non-Verbal Communication (NVC), as she is smiling and sitting on a chair in a relaxed position, which gives an impression that the environment at Ridgewater College is a happy and friendly place. The rule of thirds has been applied here, as the camera has got the student in a position where her eyes are a third of the way down the magazine which makes the viewer notice her eyes. Also, the costume worn by the students makes her easier to be recognized because the blue jeans and green top contrasts with the red chairs. The student is in high-key lighting, this is noticed because it is a shadow-free image. There is a wide depth of field in this photograph as everything is in focus and nothing has been out of focus.
This is the front cover of a college magazine called “Ridgewater College”. It has an image of a student from Ridgewater College in the middle of the page, sitting on a chair comfortable and relaxed. The Ridgewater student is centred and appears to be the main image of the magazine. The masthead is displayed on the top of the magazine in large serif fonts, giving it a standard/traditional style. The masthead is the in the largest-sized font above the rest of the front cover, which makes it very noticeable and different from the rest of the magazine in order to make it stand out as the masthead in the magazine.
The main coverline of this magazine is called “Global Learning”, this is displayed on the right side of the magazine in the white and blue colours. It is displayed in bold san-serif fonts, possibly to give a more modern look to the magazine. This coverline also helps to inform the readers about what is featured inside the magazine; is features a story about two students from different sides of the world who made a great conclusion of going to the college for a “Ridgewater Education”. There is another feature of a coverline called “Inside”, where it gives way some more information of what is held in the magazine, “How Dave Farber Made It in the Music Industry”. This can attract the audience’s attention which can lead them to taking interest in the magazine, as it influences them into thinking they can do the same
The dateline of this magazine is not shown, so the time of is not exactly “Ridgewater College” known. The only thing that mentions some sort of time is the selling line underneath the Masthead, which says; “Willmar and Hutchinson a Community & Technical College Spring 2009”. This gives us the information that it was given in 2009 during March, April and May, it may also suggest that the magazine is a seasonal magazine and not one that is made on a regular basis. The selling line is a useful way of getting the reader to gain a brief understanding and introduction to the magazine and what the magazine advertises.
The magazine does not have a bar code; this may be because the college magazine is given away for free as it is not retail merchandise. This magazine may be simply handed out in the Ridgewater College by students of members of staff.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Intro ...

My name is Gabriel, I am currently studying AS Maths, Computing, Psychology and Media Studies. at Christ The King College In Lewisham. On this blog my media work shall be posted from time to time